Memory under the Sun

Memory under the Sun describes the scenes on the ground via the symbol of the eternal sun. The sun is storage, saving light, images, memories and energy. The sun is a flying individual over the city, rising from the east and setting to the west; it is sometimes far, sometimes near and intangible. The sun is formed from the fragments in the world, keeping the traces of objects’ memories and existence. Therefore, the sun objectively exists in the world and observes from the top with the angle of onlooker.
The first element: The sun substantially exists. In this work, 3-D papercrafts are used to simulate the piling of fragments, forming a symmetrical shape. The second element: The images on the fragments. They are visitors, objects, colors and information stored in somewhere deep in the sun’s memory. The third element: The recorded films behind the sun are the fleeting impressions objectively observed, which are roads and grasslands, real and unreal, virtual and actual, and the world the sun has been facing.
The three elements are synthesized, from shallowness to deepness, by the skill of opaque projection in the creation process. Via interactions, visitors can go into the place deep in the sun’s memory step by step.