
Observed from today’s culture of virtual community space developed from the prosperity of social network, many people build their own images and even create new selves on the Internet, and some people become braver in expressing opinions and comments. The viewers hiding behind digital information become active and initiative.
Story_Boxes is a set of film recording device, which is able to record film clips and continuously play them. Viewers can edit or create their own stories according to their own fondness, change stories by moving or rotating the device, or bring their belongings into performances. Every story box can record several seconds of film, recording the messages that viewers intend to convey to others, for the next viewers to interact with the films the previous viewers leave. Films, similar to pixels, symbolize the privacy of the Internet; that all the viewers can participate in film story creation represents the group character of the social network.
Through this kind of interaction, Story_Boxes expects to make use of the films recorded by viewers to present the community culture on the Internet.