Wave Cube
2013 Mental, 3D printing
Artist:Jian-You Lee

“Wave Cube” is a series design of rings generated by derivative parameters. Based on a solid square ring setting, the work is hollow-carved by applying irregular random number curved surface and cylindrical matrix. The rings can be rapidly produced in customized sizes by entering the data of customers’ finger sizes. The wavy ring surface can be modified by parameters according to customers’ preference. The waves can be tiny, mountainous, or in many other forms according to customers’ choices. The openwork of the cylinder contains various styles such as Voronoi, matrix, and 2D bar code. The combination of different ways of cutting the wavy surface and the openwork of the cylinder provides the series design with variations and thereby satisfies the demand for customization. The prototypes of the series of rings are produced with the assistance of the Center for Additive Manufacturing and Laser Application at the Industrial Technology Research Institute of Taiwan.