The 9th K.T. Creativity Award – Digital Animation

Wu-Ching Chang

The narrations of the production contain several symbolic meanings, which are divided into three paragraphs.
At the beginning of the story, the mother parts a ball symbolized emotion from her body and passes to a girl. But after taking over the ball, the girl squeezes and twists it with hands. Fragments scatter, fly and transform into the shape of womb. The infant crawling out from the womb is held in the mother’s hands. After being suckled, the infant bites off the mother’s nipple. It becomes bigger, seizing and crumbing the mother’s body. It does body violence to the mother again and again, challenging power transition and deconstruction. Afterwards, the infant does not perceive that the umbilical cord linked with itself and the mother is there from beginning to end until it is entangled while crawling. The cord is continuous and tranquil like running water, infusing life and affection from the invisible end.
During the infant’s falling, the flowers symbolized maternity bloom one after another. Afterwards, they transform into flames and are finally swallowed up by the darkness. In the end of the story, the girl passes the ball representing affection and love back to the mother.
