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來玩吧! Hello Play


英國 UK│2014-2015│00:00:54 │3D列印、尼龍、白巧克力 3D Printed plaster, Nylon, White chocolate

關於作品 / Work



This film represents a surreal and retro interpretation of electronic music, driven by the idea to create a music piece using instruments that glitch and deform according to the sound they produce, creating a visual landscape that reflects the audio.


策展人選件 / From Curators



“Hello Play” is simulated in the computer and generated objects by 3D printing and handmade technique. The artist creates the work with stop-motion animation and then complete by computer post-production. Combined with the voice and the instructor guide, the work creates an imaginary advertisement by visualizing and concreting digital music performance.


藝術家 / Artist : Greg Barth



There are multiples techniques that the artist used to make this film. They started by using particle and physics simulations in 3D programs to recreate visually the original sounds made by the instruments used. They then 3D printed each frame of visual deformation and filmed it using stop motion animation. They also used 6kg of white chocolate to create the statue head, that was molded from another 3D print, and then used two heat guns to make the head melt.

