“The rhythm could organize the mess of beautiful sound. I am, at the same time, obsessed and confused by fluorescent light, an enchanting material, organic, and vital.”—Yao Chung-Han
Light, for me is a signal through which information is transmitted; for instance, LEDs on a computer, or brake lights and indicators on an automobile, etc. But this rule doesn’t apply to fluorescent lighting. For me, fluorescent lights have too much personality. This type of lighting has its own set of physical laws; the noise it makes is a part of its own process of powering up, and has no controllable governing rules.
Yao Chung-Han
Artist IntroductionYao Chung-Han obtained his MFA in New Media Art in NTUA. He triggers viewers' imagination toward their body motion with the arrangement of fluorescent light and the accompanying sounds in his works. Yao was awarded the first prize of Digital Art Festival Taipei. As a pioneer of light and sounding art in Taiwan, he has often unveiled his works in international shows and has been invited to renowned art events around the globe such as Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, NTT ICC-Emergencies!014 and Steim-Massive Light Boner, the Netherlands. Yao is a professional artist and currently lectures in NTUA and SCU as adjunct instructor.