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《尼蘭二》 / Niland 2

馬利斯.蘭納維特/羅奇歐.羅德里格茲《尼蘭二》2011 9' 56"

馬利斯.蘭納維特/羅奇歐.羅德里格茲《尼蘭二》2011 9' 56"
Rocío Rodríguez & Marius Leneweit (Germany/Venezuela/Spain) Niland 2, 2011, 9' 56"


This work tells about the adaptation and transformation of man to a life beneath the water surface. The interface of air and water functions as the indicator of a climate influenced by humanity, raises questions regarding the ambivalence of the symbiosis human-enviroment and examines the stringent concurrence of climate change and cultural change.
