We noticed that there has been an inadequate amount of information regarding radiation levels made public in the wake of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant disaster. Our aim is to gather radiation level data from across Japan and share it publicly. We at SAFECAST devote to increasing the public accessibility to related and useful information. By adding our measurements to existing data, we can build a more accurate portrait of the situation. We make all of our data publicly available on the Internet. Currently we have gathered more than 2,500,000 readings. Combining with the previous readings gathered in Western Taiwan, the implementation of this project this year will result in a more comprehensive radiation map of Taiwan by collecting new radiation level readings in I-Lan, Hua-Lien, Taitung and Orchid Island.
Artist IntroductionSAFECAST is a volunteer organization established a week after the Japan 3/11 earthquake. In collaboration with Tokyo Hacker Space, Keio University and MIT Media Lab, we have collected radiation measurements throughout Japan, including those within the danger zones. This organization is global in nature, with more than 100 volunteers working in different regions of the world. We currently focus our efforts on Japan.