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The Beetle Boy

Artist:Hsing-Yi, Chen

“The Beetle Boy” is a 3D short animation film. Using the adventures of insects, it depicts the issue of self-awareness in growing up.

The story begins in the fantasy insect world. The coward rhinoceros beetle larva meets glamour butterfly, and horrible stag beetle. It shows the different state of mind, from the first curiosity, the expectation, to the disillusion and finally the self-acceptance.

In order to create a beautiful and brutal world of insects, I used lots of real world insect’s knowledge in the art of “The Beetle Boy”, and designed characters from specific insect species. I personified characters according to what the performance needs, and constantly revised it to find the most accurate point of balance between realism and fantasy. I attempt to challenge and discover another possibility of insect’s animation, to produce a distinctive one.