Home / Digital Art Awards / K. T. Creativity Award / Play Your Dream

Play Your Dream

Artist:Hsueh-Jen, Wang & Shun-Hui, Huang

Our dreams are like a lovely song, waiting for our created notes and performance by ourselves. Knocking glass bottles in this artwork symbolizes the process of pursuing dreams. When you knock a glass bottle, it will emit soft light, representing our dreams shedding light little by little. If you try to think about the process of pursuing dreams, you will realize that every time it takes effort to achieve. Every time you knock a glass bottle and emit soft light. The light implies that your effort is effective and you are closer to your dreams. Finally, the dreams will come true. If you knock bottles in a specific order, the artwork will perform a sound and light show, implying that your dreams finally came true.

You can try to take the stick and knock the glass bottles, and try to feel the process of pursuing dreams in this artwork. If you knock the bottles in a specific order :Do、Do、Mi、Do、Fa、Fa、Re, you will see an unexpected show.