導演/Director :吳超 Chao Wu
追逐的什麼也追逐不到,阻止的什麼也阻止不了。我們在追逐中歡喜憂愁,卻再聽不到生命其它聲音,直到最後成為一個行走的影子。 短片講述一群不斷向前尋找的小孩,他們被遠處一個神秘的願望所吸引,不斷拋棄、遊戲、模仿、改變,當他們終於到達目的地實現願望時,卻成為被控制的傀儡,再也不能回到來時的地方。白癡試圖阻止,卻什麼也不能改變,但可以幫助小孩擺脫魔咒,完成最後的遊戲,只要他們選擇放棄……。
This is a story about chasing and losing. Chaser gets nothing and the one who prevents stops nothing. A hunter of shadow turns out to be the shadow itself. The film is composed of the seemingly irrelevant roles: The curious children who keeps marching and searching, the crows who see through everything, the toys revolving by themselves, the animals wandering here and there, the shadow which is weak at night but strong in daytime, the idiot determined to build his own pleasure ground, the quiet bushes and the inviting city, and the wall you can climb over but never turn back...They are likely to exist for the same game, but on their own tracks. Destiny brings them together accidentally.
Chao Wu, born in 1977,Sichuan Provence, received Bachelor degree of visual art at Fine Art College of Sichuan in Chine in 2000 and Master degree of visual art at Ecole National Superieur d'art de Nancy in France in 2007. Professor of Art College at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies in Chine, specializing in digital art, animation art and video art from 2007 until now. Works are awarded by some international film festivals and animation festivals, and exposed in some Large-scale multimedia group by exhibitions. Main works:《happen》,《chasing》《other side》, etc.