導演/Director : 李文靜、華文慶 Abe Lee, Wen-Qing Hua
一位失明的小男孩夢想去動物園,在一個夜晚,他夢遊到了動物園,卻發現動物園已經搬走,只剩下一隻病死的大象鬼魂被遺留在那裡。 這一童一象啟程前往新動物園,城市裡貧窮的孩子們,也都一起夢遊加入他們;男孩現實中的恐懼化為阻礙,在他、大象和貧窮孩子們的通力合作下,終於突破心魔,到了動物園前。 然而小男孩終究還是進不了動物園大門,他必須要面對他最美麗,也最不堪回首的一段回憶,才能走進去……。 A blind boy always wanted to go to the zoo. One night, he sleep walks to the zoo in his dream. But when he gets there, he finds that the zoo has been moved and only an elephant ghost, who died from an illness in the old zoo, has stays. So the boy and the ghost travel together to the new zoo. They are joined by many poor children in the city who sleep walk with them. On their journey, the boy's deepest fears turn into real obstacles to stop them from reaching the zoo. They fight the nightmares, and finally get there. But the boy is still blocked outside the zoo's big door. He must face his most beautiful but saddest memory before he can enter.
Born in 1984. Graduated from the Department of Industrial and Commercial Design, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Abe Lee currently serves as Art Director at Together Studio, Pushing Hanz Publishing Co., Ltd. Ms. Lee has been involved in the production of several stop-motion animation works, including: "Two Men", "Fruity Ice Cream", "Happy Harbor", "Snow Boy's Adventurous Journey Home", etc.
Born in 1970, in Taipei. Wen-Qing Hua has Served as Art Director in the TV Commercial Industry for many years, as well as Art Director of the film, 「A CHA-CHA FOR THE FUGITIVES」, directed by Wang Tsai Cheung, and Art Designer and Flash Animator for the TV drama series, 「Smiling PASTA-pasta Superman」. He Currently works as Art Supervisor at Together Studio of Pushing Hanz Publishing Co., where he has produced the stop-motion animation works: "Two Men", "Fruity Ice Cream", "Happy Harbor", and "Snow Boy's Adventurous Journey Home". He Has also directed several animated TV commercials, and plays a leading role in research and development at Together Studio.