導演/Director : 王善揚 Wang, Shan-Yang
《回憶回憶的回憶》主要是運用倒敘式閃回的方式,影片構思的起因為表達對父親的追憶。 一個從小想成為像父親一樣優秀的男孩,在實現夢想後回到了伴隨他成長的家鄉。在那棵老榕樹下,喚起男孩與父親在一起時,所有美好的回憶。 父親未能親眼見到男孩實現夢想就病逝,直待男孩穿戴與父親同樣的警帽和制服站在當年的榕樹下時,已物是人非。然而雲卷雲舒之後,一切又如過眼雲煙般回到現實。男孩緬懷對父親和家鄉的情感,離開了榕樹,下定決心要傳承父親的意志,堅強地走下去。
"Memories" mainly takes the form of "flashback" and the conception originates from my intention to recall my father. The movie centers on a boy who dreamed of becoming a man as great as his father when he was young. At last, the boy realized his dream and he went back to the place where he grew up. The old banyan tree jogged his memory of the happy time he spent with his father. However, the father was not able to see the boy realize his dream because he had died of illness. The boy stood under the banyan tree wearing police officer's hat and uniform like his father ever did. Though the tree and other things were still there, he couldn't see his father any more. When it came back to reality, the boy left the banyan tree after recalling his father and his hometown. He made up his mind to inherit his father's will and stick to it strongly.
Born in a mountain village in Zhenghe County, Nanping City, Fujian Province. I was Enrolled in China Academy of Fine Arts in Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, granted schools and the state scholarships during college. Due to outstanding performance, I was selected as one of the outstanding graduates. My dream was producing animations. Finally, I was admitted in the collage I dreamed of, and then achieved the aspirations of making animations by myself. I was deeply in love with it. After graduated, I set up a studio and doing related work in animation. Major animations in my college days include sand painting animation "Life and Death", 2D animation "Memorizing the memory of memory". I will continue to insist on my own ideals, keep practicing the dream of creating animation.