《祝福你》Bless You


加拿大Canada│2013│00:02:30│2D電腦動畫、3D電腦動畫、物件動畫 2D Computer, 3D Computer & Animated Objects

導演 / Director : David Barlow-Krelina



A man takes the subway. Inside his brain, a countdown clock hits zero and a little person prepares for lift-off. The man sneezes.

He blasts into outer space. He gets ripped apart by the speed. The little person emerges from his brain and falls back down to Earth.


  • David Barlow-Krelina
  • David是個腦袋裡有個小小動畫世界,但沉著冷靜的人。2001年於協和大學主修電影動畫及電算藝術。2012年參加了國家電影局的第8版溫室計畫(National Film Board's 8th edition of Hothouse)。他曾數次參與電影局的計畫,包括 Chris Landreth的《Subconscious Password》。大衛的作品常混合傳統動畫和現代特效,有意於混和各種媒介。他熱愛那種在短片中一瞥新世界的新鮮感。大衛喜歡觀察圖像與聲音之間的關係,並享受被聲音的節奏與結構影響的過程,來創造刺激的視聽體驗。他的靈感來自於離奇和荒謬的超現實。影響他創作風格的有Koji Yamamura、John Kricfalusi、The Monty Python 以及Chris Cunningham。


    David is a calm and quiet man with a little animated universe inside his head. He graduated from Concordia University in 2011, where he studied film animation and computation arts. In 2012 he participated in the National Film Board's 8th edition of Hothouse. He has worked on a number of Film Board projects, including Subconscious Password by Chris Landreth. David's work is a mix of classical animation and modern special effects, with a willingness to fuse various mediums. He loves how short films allow him to create little glimpses into new universes. David has an appreciation for the relationship between image and sound and enjoys the process of being influenced by sonic rhythms and textures to create stimulating audio-visual experiences. He is inspired by the surreal, the quirky and the absurd. Some of his influences include Koji Yamamura, John Kricfalusi, The Monty Python and Chris Cunningham.

    Click here to view the director's website.
