
我的房間 My Room



導演/Director : 陳冠霖

當我們還小時,只要一拿起筆,不需思考就有源源不絕的圖像自筆尖傾瀉而出;但是長大了之後,拿起筆,卻什麼也畫不出來。 一位喜愛畫圖的小男孩,在學校的美術課堂上盡情的發揮天馬行空的想像力,進入他自己的繪畫世界;將他房間裡的一件件傢俱都轉變成可愛的玩伴。但是代表社會價值觀的老師隨之而來,一邊尋找代表想像力的蠟筆,一邊將小男孩的玩伴們變回原形。一部暗喻社會價值觀壓迫孩童想像力的奇想動畫。 本作品利用動畫中角色造型不受限制的特色,塑造出一隻隻小男孩筆下的奇異生物。故事情節中老師與怪獸的變身也藉由動畫擅長的〝形變〞效果,巧妙的將現實與虛幻之間的界線破除,讓劇中角色隨著小男孩的心理變化而改變外型;配合超現實的場景與動作,希冀能將嚴肅的議題轉化為簡單而充滿驚喜的故事。


When we were young, just picking up a pen made our creativity flow. However, when we grew up and took out a pen our mind was blank. At school, a little boy who loves to draw sets his imagination free in art class. He enters his own "drawing world" and turns all his room furniture into playmates. At this time, the teacher shows up. While he searches for the crayon, he turns his new playmates back into furniture. Here, I use crayons to represent imagination, teacher for social value. This animation is about social oppression of children's' imagination. By using animation to express the story, it becomes easier to give each playmate a vivid character. Besides, we can blur the line between reality and fantasy with the morphing method. It makes the transformation between teacher and monster possible. Also, those playmates can transform according to the boy's imagination. With surreal scenes and actions, the profound concept of fantasy versus reality can be turned into a simple and interesting story.
