2012 | il Luster Productions | Netherlands, Belgium | DIGITAL | 18'00" | Narrative Short Animation |
Rotoscope, Other, 3D Computer
導演/Director : Hisko Hulsing
一個男人不但被一個毒販搶了,還被刺傷,當他快要死的時候,一段年輕時的友誼浮現他的眼前。他和他的好友越離越遠,他看見他的好友陷入一個模糊的世界,到 處都充滿毒品跟犯罪,他是受到住在垃圾場的鄰居毒販影響的。
A man is being robbed and stabbed by a junkie and in that last second before he dies, a youth friendship flashes before his eyes. He and his bosom friend grew apart, when the latter was being drawn more and more into a misty world of drugs and criminality under influence of a lowlife dealer who lives with his father on the junkyard in their neighbourhood.